Introduction Eating a balanced and nutrient-rich diet is essential for good health. But sometimes it can be challenging to get all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. Fortunately, there are many simple and sneaky ways to add more nutrients to your meals without sacrificing taste. In this blog post, we will discuss some […]

6 Sneaky Ways to Add More Nutrients to Your Meals


In our modern world, many of us have lost touch with the traditional practices of food preparation that were once integral to our ancestors’ lives. However, these practices still hold immense value, especially when it comes to improving our gut health. By incorporating traditional food preparation methods such as soaking and fermenting into our food […]

Improving Gut Health with Traditional Food Preparation

green tractor plowing the fields on focus photography

Introduction Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that is frequently found in foods. It is the active ingredient in the widely used weed killer, RoundUp, and has been linked to a number of health concerns. Here in the US, the chemical is still allowed to be used to control weeds and pests, even in agricultural […]

Top 5 Reasons to Avoid Glyphosate in Foods

How to Balance Your Chakras with Food Chakras are the energy centers in our bodies that regulate the flow of energy. When our chakras are balanced, we feel healthy and vibrant. But when they are out of balance, we may experience physical or emotional issues. An easy and effective way to balance your chakras is […]

The Best Chakra Balancing Foods


a woman touching her chest and abdomen

Understanding the Chakras: An Introduction to Balancing Your Energy Centers Have you ever felt out of balance, emotionally or physically? Have you ever wondered why some days you feel full of energy, while other times you feel drained? The answer may lie in your chakras. The chakras are energy centers in the body that play […]

Cleanse and Heal Your Chakras with Meditation

Becoming a Recovered Perfectionist To be honest, being a perfectionist was a badge of honor that I used to wear with pride. It wasn’t until my stress and anxiety, and the health issues that came along with them, became too much to bear that I realized that I needed to take a hard look at […]

Doing Away with Perfectionism


Pretty girl with curly hair, arms outstretched and smile on her face

If you checked out my post, Activate Your Glow 101, you’ll know that focusing on JOY is the first step in re-igniting your GLOW and living a healthier, happier life. Here are 24 daily affirmations to help keep you focused on JOY and leaning into your dreams! Click here for the printable version of these […]

24 Daily Affirmations for a More Joy Filled Life

dancer with raised arm between bushes in sunbeams

What is your GLOW? Every single one of us is born with a glow within us. It shines brightly when we are children and even though it lives within, when our glow burns bright, it can be seen and felt outwardly. Think about the way a child’s eyes can sparkle, and their laughter and smiles […]

Activate Your Glow 101


Woman writing in pregnancy journal

Introduction Pregnancy can be a beautiful journey, but it can also be a time when women experience a range of emotions that can be overwhelming. Keeping a pregnancy journal is a great way to capture those moments and memories. It is a way to record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences during this special time. In […]

The Benefits of Keeping a Pregnancy Journal

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Click the photos to learn about my daily must-haves.

My essentials

I start my day with a glass of warm water to help my digestive system get fired up, as well as hydrate the cells in my body after a long night's sleep. I then, no matter what, eat a protein packed breakfast, such as eggs cooked any way, or, a smoothie with protein and collagen. Starting my day with super foods helps ensure a lasting GLOW!


Even if it is just a round or two of cat cow, or some gentle spinal twists, some sort of yoga & stretching is a daily must for me! The benefits of yoga go far beyond the physical, but I truly do feel like this daily practices helps ignite my GLOW!


I spend 4 minutes a day visualizing my dreams and 15 to 20 in meditation. No matter what time of day I do it, I always feel present and re-energized afterward (almost like taking a power nap!) This daily practice also helps me proactively combat stress & anxiety, and ensures that neither of these things can dim my GlOW. 

Meditation & Visualization

Spending a few moments at the start of each day writing down what I am grateful for sets me up to have a positive mindset for the rest of the day and helps me stay present in each moment. This, along with visualization and meditation, help mitigate the effects of stress & anxiety and ensure that I continue to look and feel my best!

Gratitude Journal

My morning coffee has turned into a legit ritual since I got my Chemex. The slow, pour-over method not only produces AMAZINGLY delicious coffee, but also helps me not feel so rushed and chaotic in the morning. My daily coffee ritual reminds me to enjoy the little things. Tip: I also add a scoop or two of grass-fed hydrolyzed collagen peptides to further boost my inner & outer GLOW!

My Chemex

Coco Chanel

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. 

Marie Forleo

The measure of a great life is whether it matches your dream.

Rest & self-care is just as important as hustle. Daily naps and/or meditation? Essential.

Comparison is the thief of JOY.
Just be YOU!

I believe: