
The Benefits of a Mindfulness Practice

June 1, 2023

  1. […] state. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety by slowing down the mind and promoting relaxation. Check out my post on the benefits of establishing a mindfulness practice to see some recommended resources for […]

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Learn more about Jessica's journey

Jessica Sweet has always had a passion for helping others. Her nurturing nature, fascination with the human body and love for problem solving inspired her to open her own holistic wellness practice, combining her skills as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Hatha and Prenatal Yoga Teacher, and Reiki Practitioner to provide a beautifully balanced holistic path of wellbeing for her clients. Jessica’s practice is deeply rooted in the philosophy that everyone is unique and has their own personal path to wellbeing, which allows her to provide a truly personalized wellness program to each person she works with, considering their biological individuality and personality, as well as their personal goals and dreams. 

Get to know


What is

Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy is an integrative and holistic approach to nutrition that operates under the philosophy that each and every person is a biologically unique individual and that optimal health and balance within the body can be achieved by addressing each person’s individual needs. According to the Nutritional Therapy Association, ” …the myriad of health problems plaguing modern society result from weaknesses in the body’s physiological foundations brought on by poor nutrition.” Within the body, there is an underlying innate intelligence, that when “asked” the right questions, can provide insight and answers into what the body needs to be able to heal itself. As a nutritional therapy practitioner, the assessment techniques that Jessica uses when working with clients provides her with the tools she needs to ask the right questions, see beyond the symptoms, and to get to the root of the problem. Using the unique information that she gathers from each person about any nutritional deficiencies they may have or systems that are performing less than optimally, she then develops a nutritional program that is tailored to each individual’s biological needs as well as their own personal health goals. When balance and harmony is restored within the body, it has the ability to obtain what it needs to achieve and maintain optimal health simply by using food in its pure, natural state. Because every person is a bioindividual, nutritional therapy can be beneficial to all women, of all ages, and regardless of their issues or their ideals for optimal health, including:
  • Fatigue
  • Weight Loss & Weight Gain
  • Fertility
  • Healthy Pregnancy
  • Postpartum Recovery
  • PMS
  • Menopausal Symptoms
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Mood & Behavioral Issues
  • Skin Issues
  • Cravings
  • Digestive Discomfort & Dysfunction

Click the photos to learn about my daily must-haves.

My essentials

I start my day with a glass of warm water to help my digestive system get fired up, as well as hydrate the cells in my body after a long night's sleep. I then, no matter what, eat a protein packed breakfast, such as eggs cooked any way, or, a smoothie with protein and collagen. Starting my day with super foods helps ensure a lasting GLOW!


Even if it is just a round or two of cat cow, or some gentle spinal twists, some sort of yoga & stretching is a daily must for me! The benefits of yoga go far beyond the physical, but I truly do feel like this daily practices helps ignite my GLOW!


I spend 4 minutes a day visualizing my dreams and 15 to 20 in meditation. No matter what time of day I do it, I always feel present and re-energized afterward (almost like taking a power nap!) This daily practice also helps me proactively combat stress & anxiety, and ensures that neither of these things can dim my GlOW. 

Meditation & Visualization

Spending a few moments at the start of each day writing down what I am grateful for sets me up to have a positive mindset for the rest of the day and helps me stay present in each moment. This, along with visualization and meditation, help mitigate the effects of stress & anxiety and ensure that I continue to look and feel my best!

Gratitude Journal

My morning coffee has turned into a legit ritual since I got my Chemex. The slow, pour-over method not only produces AMAZINGLY delicious coffee, but also helps me not feel so rushed and chaotic in the morning. My daily coffee ritual reminds me to enjoy the little things. Tip: I also add a scoop or two of grass-fed hydrolyzed collagen peptides to further boost my inner & outer GLOW!

My Chemex

Coco Chanel

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. 

Marie Forleo

The measure of a great life is whether it matches your dream.

Rest & self-care is just as important as hustle. Daily naps and/or meditation? Essential.

Comparison is the thief of JOY.
Just be YOU!

I believe: